(85) 3051-1220
Levíssima Aldeota - Silva Paulet - Aldeota, Fortaleza - State of Ceará, Brazil
Segunda a Sexta 08:00–18:00 | Sábado 09:00–12:00
To setup this widget go to Appearance - Widgets - Homepage Main Content - place T-HomePage Display Post Widget here. Select the listing post type, categories, list view or grid view, sorting options and save the settings.
(85) 3051-1220
Levíssima Aldeota - Silva Paulet - Aldeota, Fortaleza - State of Ceará, Brazil
Segunda a Sexta 08:00–18:00 | Sábado 09:00–12:00
Academia Smart Fit - Cocó - Rua Doutor Gilberto Studart - Cocó, Fortaleza - State of Ceará, Brazil
Segunda a Sexta 05:30–22:00 | Sábado 08:00–18:00 | Domingo 09:00-15:00
(85) 98850-4570
SHAPE Suplementos - Rua Nelsom Coelho - Lagoa Redonda, Fortaleza - State of Ceará, Brazil
Segunda a Sábado 06:00–22:00
(85) 3279-4144
Academia Swims - Avenida Desembargador Gonzaga - Cidade dos Funcionários, Fortaleza - State of Ceará, Brazil
Segunda a Sexta 06:00–21:00
(85) 3262-5734
Prime Fit Academia - Avenida Engenheiro Alberto Sá - Papicu, Fortaleza - State of Ceará, Brazil
Segunda a Sexta 05:00–22:00 | Sábado 07:00–12:00
(85) 3287-1141
Avenida Bezerra de Menezes, 2450 - Presidente Kennedy, Fortaleza - State of Ceará, Brazil
To add the youtube video here go to Appearnce - Widgets - HomePage Main content other Utilities - Text widget. Here in iframe tag you can place your youtube URL to show your youtube video. You can checkout this listing overview video for more information.
You can change this text from wp-admin - Appearance - widgets - Homepage main content other Utilities - Text widget
You can add more search options by adding custom fields in T - Advanced search widget at sidebar area. With this widget you can allow your visitors to search the listing with different criteria like phone, address, zipcode etc.
To enable the App view option for your child theme go to wp-admin - Appearance - Theme Settings - Mobile App View - Enable this option. Here you have more options like sticky header, RTL option, Breadcrumbs etc.